Our mission

Efficiency through smart design

From data-intensive transaction processing to data management solutions for AI, we design scalable, green, energy efficient, and smart data systems solutions.

Innovation in novel contexts

We constantly apply novel data system inventions into old and new business domains and use-cases.


We conduct scientifically rigorous user studies, lab tests, performance testing, and literature syntheses on demand.

Training and propagation

We provide on-demand training in data systems topics such as DBMSs, querying, optimization, and reliability, as well as accessible propagation of recent advances in data systems.

Recent highlights

New project: Limnisius

A new DBS research project on sustainable data systems receives external funding!

Publication: knowledge management pitfalls

A new case-study published in Intl. Journal of Knowledge Management Studies explores pitfalls in knowledge management in a large IT organization.

Publication: data systems education

A new ITiCSE'24 Working Group publication highlights the discrepancies between data system curriculum guidelines, education, and industry needs.

New project: SECHA

A new project on data management for electric vehicle charging solutions receives external funding!

New researcher

Researcher Nea Peltola joins the DBS research group!

New researcher

Doctoral researcher Jahid Bin Kibria joins the DBS research group!

New researcher

Doctoral researcher Bingxiang Chen joins the DBS research group!

New project: Troxartes

A new DBS research project on data education receives external funding!

Publication: transparent ownership chains

A new publication shows how to make media ownership chains transparent by utilizing recursive queries.

Publication: workshop report

A new publication summarizes the data systems education studies presented at SIGMOD DataEd'23 workshop in Seattle, WA.

New researcher

Senior researcher Dr. Marko Junkkari joins the DBS research group!

Publication: SQL error messages

A new publication in ITiCSE'24 explores which elements in SQL error messages help fix syntax errors.

Publication: vector databases in cyber security

A new publication in ECCWS'24 disseminates use-cases of vector databases in various cyber security domains.

Publication: vector database management systems

A new publication in Cognitive Systems Research introduces the concepts and opportunities of novel vector database management systems.

Training: Linux

DBS research organizes an intensive course on Linux operating system.

Working group: data systems education

DBS research leads a working group on data systems education curriculum development at the ITiCSE'24 conference.